Mississippi Trustee Implementation Group Releases Third Draft Restoration Plan

The draft restoration plan 3 includes a project to remove marine debris from Mississippi's barrier islands. Credit: Audubon Society

The Mississippi Trustee Implementation Group released its draft third restoration plan for public review and comment for 50 days through January 26, 2022. The draft restoration plan includes approximately $19 million for projects proposed for implementation to partially address the injuries caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Trustee Group held a public webinar on January 11 to present information and take public comments.

Proposed restoration activities include debris removal on federally managed lands, maintaining enhanced stranding network capacity for sea turtles and marine mammals, marine mammal bycatch reduction, bird stewardship, and recreational access and educational opportunities. The draft restoration plan is consistent with the Trustees’ Programmatic Restoration Plan.

Seven Proposed Projects

This draft restoration plan proposes seven projects for implementation:

Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands  Restoration Type:
  • Improve Native Habitat by Removing Marine Debris from Mississippi Barrier Islands

Sea Turtles Restoration Type:
  • Maintaining Enhanced Sea Turtle Stranding Network Capacity and Diagnostic Capabilities

Marine Mammals  Restoration Type:
  • Maintaining Enhanced Marine Mammal Stranding Network Capacity and Diagnostic Capabilities

  • Reduction of Marine Mammal Fishery Interactions through Trawl Technique and Component Improvements

Birds Restoration Type:
  • Bird Stewardship and Enhanced Monitoring in Mississippi

Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities Restoration Type:
  • Clower Thornton Nature Park Trail Improvement

  • Environmental Education and Stewardship at Walter Anderson Museum of Art

How to Submit Public Comments 

This restoration planning effort began on October 30, 2020 with a Notice of Solicitation calling for project ideas. On June 11, 2021 we published a Notice of Initiation of Restoration Planning. Now, we’re asking for public review and comment on the draft restoration plan. Public comments will be accepted through January 26, 2022 via:

January 11 Webinar Information

The trustees held a public webinar on January 11 where they presented the draft restoration plan and accepted public comments. 

After the public comment period ends, we will review, consider, and address public comments before releasing a final restoration plan and environmental assessment.
