The Mississippi Trustee Implementation Group is beginning the process of restoration planning for our Restoration Plan III and would like your input regarding natural resource restoration project ideas in the Mississippi Restoration Area through November 30, 2020.
Restoration Types in Restoration Plan III may include:
- Sea turtles
- Marine mammals
- Birds
- Habitat projects on federally managed lands
- Recreational opportunities
Details about the Restoration Types and Approaches we are considering, including the location of related information in the Trustees’ Programmatic Restoration Plan, are all below.
Restoration Plan III Types and Approaches
As we begin our next planning phase, we would like to get your input. At this time we intend to focus on the following proposed Restoration Types and Approaches.
- Sea Turtles will focus on three Restoration Approaches identified in the Strategic Framework for Sea Turtle Restoration Activities.
- Approach 1: Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch in Commercial Fisheries through Identification and Implementation of Conservation Measures
- Approach 5: Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch in Commercial Fisheries through Enhanced State Enforcement Efforts to Improve Compliance with Existing Sea Turtle Conservation Requirements
- Approach 6: Increase Sea Turtle Survival through Enhanced Mortality Investigation, and Early Detection of and Response to Anthropogenic Threats and Emergency Events
(See also Programmatic Restoration Plan Sections 5.5.10, 5.D.4.1, 5.D.4.5, and 5.D.4.6)
- Marine Mammals will focus on two Restoration Approaches identified in the Strategic Framework for Marine Mammal Restoration Activities.
- Approach 1: Reduce Commercial Fishery Bycatch through Collaborative Partnerships
- Approach 3: Increase Marine Mammal Survival Through Better Understanding of Causes of Illness and Death and Early Detection and Intervention of Anthropogenic and Natural Threats
(See also Programmatic Restoration Plan Sections 5.5.11, 5.D.5.1, and 5.D.5.3)
- Birds will focus on two Restoration Approaches identified in the Strategic Framework for Bird Restoration Activities.
- Approach 1: Restore and Conserve Bird Nesting and Foraging Habitat
- Approach 3: Preventing Incidental Bird Mortality
(See also Programmatic Restoration Plan Sections 5.5.12, 5.D.6.1, and 5.D.6.3)
- Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands will focus on project ideas as described in the Programmatic Restoration Plan (See Sections 5.5.3, 5.D.1), with particular interest in the Gulf Islands National Seashore in Mississippi.
- The Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities Restoration Type will focus on projects as described in the Programmatic Restoration Plan (See Sections 5.5.14, 5.D.8). Restoration Approaches will include:
- Approach 1: Enhance Public Access to Natural Resources for Recreational Use
- Approach 2: Enhance Recreational Experiences
- Approach 3: Promote Environmental Stewardship, Education and Outreach
While the Trustees intend to focus on the Restoration Approaches listed above, we will consider all project ideas submitted.
Submit Your Project Ideas
We encourage you to submit new restoration project ideas or make revisions to previously submitted project ideas in either of the two project submission portals listed below:
- Trustee Council Project Submission Portal.
- Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Restoration Project Idea Portal.
We request that all project ideas be submitted no later than November 30, 2020. Any project ideas submitted after the deadline, along with previously submitted project ideas that are not ultimately selected as part of Restoration Plan III, may be considered in future restoration planning. More information about Restoration Types in general, as well as the Oil Pollution Act criteria against which project ideas will be evaluated, can be found in the Trustees’ Programmatic Restoration Plan.
Thank you for your engagement in this process. We look forward to considering your restoration project ideas.