Open Ocean Trustees Seek Input on Long-term Fish Restoration Strategy

Kayakers paddle around commercial fishing boats at docks as the sun sets.
Update: Join us for a fish restoration strategy webinar scheduled for May 13

The Open Ocean Trustees would like your input as we identify objectives and priorities that will guide future restoration, monitoring, and evaluation for fish and water column invertebrates. A strategic, long-term approach to address the complex injury to these important resources is essential to ensure restoration success.

While this is not a call for restoration project ideas, our restoration experts are gathering information to help:

  • Determine objectives and priorities for fish and water column invertebrate restoration.
  • Improve communication with stakeholders and the public.
  • Identify opportunities for additional restoration partnerships.

Provide your input during the winter and spring of 2021

Join our Webinars and Meetings

Attend our May 13, 2021 webinar from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. ET where we'll host a short presentation followed questions and discussion:

  • Inform Open Ocean Trustees' fish restoration team in their development of restoration objectives and priorities, and other strategic considerations
  • Recommend restoration objectives and priorities
  • Identify opportunities for additional restoration partnerships
  • Discuss species and geographic priorities, and project development strategies

Register for the webinar

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join. We recommend doing a GoToWebinar system check before attending

Send an Email 

You can email us at with the subject line “Fish and Invertebrate Strategy Input.”

Stay Tuned for More Opportunities

We’ll announce additional opportunities on the Gulf Spill Restoration website and through our email subscriber system.

Next Steps

We anticipate this public input phase of strategic planning will wrap up at the end of May 2021. Then we’ll consider these inputs as we develop priorities and objectives. We will continue to provide updates on the next steps in the process.

We have made important progress to address injuries to fish and water column invertebrates through the restoration projects approved in our second Open Ocean Restoration Plan and the Oceanic Fish Restoration Project. This strategic planning effort will guide future fish and water column invertebrates restoration planning for the over $320 million dedicated to restore this resource.

More Information

To help guide your input, please review these resources: