Outreach materials are now available from the June 16 Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Trustee Council’s annual meeting webinar. This virtual event, the Trustees’ seventh annual public meeting, provided an update on our work since our last meeting in June 2021. It also included a 30-minute Open House during which Trustee Implementation Group members were available to discuss projects and answer questions.
You can view all the materials presented at the meeting—including the presentations and fact sheets—below.
The Trustees and representatives of the seven Trustee Implementation Groups, responsible for planning and implementing restoration projects for the natural resources injured by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, gave updates on their progress over the last year.
The public meeting also included an opportunity for the public to provide comments to the Trustees after the presentation. This meeting also served as the annual public meeting of the Regionwide Trustee Implementation Group.
Public Meeting Presentation
- Trustee Council Annual Meeting Presentation Slides (PDF, 64 pages)
- Trustee Council Annual Meeting Transcript of Remarks and Public Comment (PDF, 90 pages)
Trustee Council Fact Sheets
- Trustee Council Overview: English (PDF, 2 pages), and Vietnamese (PDF, 2 pages)
- Data and Gulf Spill Website Navigation: English (PDF, 2 pages), and Vietnamese (PDF, 2 pages)
- Monitoring and Adaptive Management: English (PDF, 2 pages), and Vietnamese (PDF, 2 pages)
Restoration Area Fact Sheets
- Alabama: English (PDF, 3 pages), Vietnamese (PDF, 3 pages)
- Florida: English (PDF, 3 pages), Vietnamese (PDF, 3 pages)
- Louisiana: English (PDF, 3 pages), Vietnamese (PDF, 3 pages)
- Mississippi: English (PDF, 2 pages), Vietnamese (PDF, 2 pages)
- Texas: English (PDF, 3 pages), Vietnamese (PDF, 3 pages)
- Regionwide: English (PDF, 2 pages), Vietnamese (PDF, 2 pages)
- Open Ocean: English (PDF, 3 pages), Vietnamese (PDF, 3 pages)