UPDATE: Meeting Location Change for May 12, 2022, Florida Trustee Implementation Group Public Meeting

Trees and upland habitat on the Dickerson Bay Addition parcel.

The Florida Trustee Implementation Group, in response to a request from the community of Panacea, will now hold its open house and public meeting regarding the Draft Phase V.4 Florida Coastal Access Project: Restoration Plan and Supplemental Environmental Assessment on May 12, 2022 at:  

Panacea Community Center  

115 Otter Lake Road, Panacea, FL 32346 

Date: Thursday, May 12, 2022 

Time: Open house: 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. ET  

           Meeting: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. ET 

There are no changes to the Public Webinar and virtual open house: 

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 

Time: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. ET 

Register and attend the webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8991610800784222224 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join on the meeting date. We recommend that you do a GoToWebinar system check before attending. 


The Florida Trustee Implementation Group has released a draft restoration plan proposing the fourth phase of the Florida Coastal Access Project for public review and comment. The Draft Phase V.4 Florida Coastal Access Project: Restoration Plan and Supplemental Environmental Assessment (PDF, 54 pages) proposes the Dickerson Bay Addition, which includes acquisition of a coastal parcel and minor recreational improvements. The privately-owned 114-acre undeveloped coastal parcel is within the approved acquisition boundary of St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge. The estimated cost of the project is $685,000.  

The draft plan is available for public comment through May 20, 2022; the trustees will host a webinar and an in-person public meeting on May 10 and May 12, respectively. 

The Florida Coastal Access Project aims to enhance public access to surrounding natural resources and increase recreational opportunities through the acquisition and/or enhancement of coastal land in the Florida Panhandle helping to restore impacts to recreational use due to the spill.  

The first phase of the Florida Coastal Access Project, described in the Phase V Early Restoration Plan, and the second phase, described in the Phase V.2 Restoration Plan, included acquisition and/or enhancement of recreational amenities at five coastal parcels in the Florida Panhandle. The Phase V.3 Restoration Plan included acquisition only of a sixth coastal parcel. As of December 2021, the Florida Trustee Implementation Group has 38 different recreational use projects completed or underway. 

How to Comment on the Draft Plan 

We are interested in receiving your comments on the draft plan. The public comment period will remain open through May 20, 2022. Comments can be made online, by mail, or during the public meeting or webinar.  

  • Comment online at https://parkplanning.nps.gov/FLTIGRPV4 (Note the system will be down for maintenance from Friday, April 29 at 6:00 pm ET to up to 6:00 pm ET on Sunday, May 1.) 

  • Mail comments to:  

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

    P.O. Box 29649 

    Atlanta, GA 30345 

After the public comment period ends, the Florida Trustee Implementation Group will review, consider, and address public comments before releasing the Final Phase V.4 Florida Coastal Access Project: Restoration Plan and Supplemental Environmental Assessment. 

If you are unable to attend either the in-person meeting or webinar, the materials will be posted online after the meetings on the Florida Restoration Area web page

Read the Draft Plan