Florida Trustee Group Approves 18 Projects in $62 Million Restoration Plan

Marine mammals are one of five different restoration types included in Florida's Restoration Plan 2.

The Florida Trustee Implementation Group has approved its Final Restoration Plan 2 and Environmental Assessment (PDF, 489 pages). The plan includes 18 selected projects that address five natural resource restoration types:

  • Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands
  • Sea Turtles
  • Marine Mammals
  • Birds
  • Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities

One project addresses both the Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands and the Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities restoration types.

We released the Draft Restoration Plan 2 and Environmental Assessment on February 19, 2021 and accepted public comments through March 29, 2021. We received and considered more than 20,000 correspondences. 

Plan Highlights

Of the 19 projects originally proposed as preferred alternatives, we selected 18 projects for implementation in the final plan. The Engineering and Design for Pensacola Beach Park West Fishing Pier and Access Improvements project was not selected for implementation, and was changed from a preferred to a non preferred alternative after reviewing the public comments and further discussion with Escambia County. Two projects were modified between the draft and final plan. The Pensacola Beach Fort Pickens Road Wildlife Lighting Retrofits project was updated to include the installation of new lighting poles rather than the alteration of existing poles. The Gulf Breeze Parks Boating and Fishing Access Upgrades project was updated to remove enhancements to the fishing pier at Shoreline Park South. Clarifying details were added to the Johnson Beach Access Management and Habitat Protection project description, OPA analysis, and NEPA analysis.

The following projects were selected in the final plan. More information about each can be found in the final plan.

Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands

  • Johnson Beach Access Management and Habitat Protection
  • Perdido Key Sediment Placement
  • Pensacola Beach Fort Pickens Road Wildlife Lighting Retrofits
  • St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge Access and Recreational Improvements through Acquisition at Indian Pass (also partially funded with Provide and Enhance Recreational Use Opportunities restoration type funds)

Sea Turtles

  • Increased Observers and Outreach to Reduce Incidental Hooking of Sea Turtles in Recreational Fisheries along Florida’s Gulf Coast
  • Reducing Threats to Sea Turtles through Removal of In-water Marine Debris along Florida’s Gulf Coast
  • Assessing Risk and Conducting Public Outreach to Reduce Vessel Strikes on Sea Turtles along Florida’s Gulf Coast

Marine Mammals

  • Florida Gulf Coast Marine Mammals Stranding Network


  • Gomez Key Oyster Reef Expansion and Breakwaters for American Oystercatchers
  • Egmont Key Vegetation Management and Dune Retention
  • Northeast Florida Coastal Predation Management
  • Florida Shorebird and Seabird Stewardship and Habitat Management – 5 Years

Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities

  • Pensacola Community Maritime Park Public Fishing Marina
  • Baars Park and Sanders Beach Kayak Fishing Trail Access Upgrades
  • Gulf Breeze Parks Boating and Fishing Access Upgrades
  • Lincoln Park Boat Ramp and Dock Improvements
  • Florida Artificial Reef Creation and Restoration – Phase 2
  • Apollo Beach Recreational Sportfish Hatchery Facility

The final Restoration Plan 2 and Environmental Assessment plan is consistent with the Trustees’ Programmatic Restoration Plan and proposes projects for restoring natural resources and services injured or lost in Florida as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

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