Open Ocean Draft Restoration Plan 2 Meeting Materials Available


The Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group released the Draft Restoration Plan 2 on May 15, 2019. Following the release, we held a public meeting on June 4, and two public webinars on June 11 and 13 to present the draft plan and  receive public comments. Materials for the meeting and webinars are now available.

June 4, 2019 Public Meeting

The in-person meeting began with an interactive open house where the public could ask questions and learn details about the draft plan. It was followed by a formal presentation and the opportunity for the public to provide comments. The meeting presentation and transcript are below.

June 11 and 13, 2019 Public Webinars

The webinars included a formal presentation mirroring the information presented at the in-person public meeting. After the presentation, we answered questions about the plan, then we provided time for public comments. The webinar presentations, scripts and audio files are below.

June 11 and 13
June 11
June 13

To provide additional time for public review and comment, the deadline to submit comments on the draft restoration plan has been extended to July 15, 2019. We encourage you to review the plan, fact sheets and other materials, and provide your comments by the July 15 deadline.