Join Open Ocean Monitoring, Adaptive Management Outreach Event June 4


The Open Ocean Trustees will hold an outreach event on June 4 to present the recently released Monitoring and Adaptive Management Strategy. We’ll also ask for input from attendees on development of our Open Ocean monitoring and adaptive management near and long-term information needs. The event will be held in Pensacola, Florida prior to the Open Ocean Draft Restoration Plan 2 public meeting.

Open Ocean restoration is complex because it involves a wide range of habitats. To ensure we don’t overlook any important parts of this complex system, we’re engaging with scientists, experts, and other community members to assist with identifying potential data gaps to inform restoration. This event is open to the public and we encourage all interested stakeholders to attend.

  • Date: June 4, 2019.
  • Time: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
  • Location: Pensacola City Hall, Vince Whibbs Room, 222 West Main St., Pensacola, FL.

Additional public outreach opportunities in Pensacola that week include the Trustee Council’s June 5 Outreach and Education Workshop, and June 6 Annual Meeting.