Notice of Intent to Supplement a Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment
The Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group (Louisiana TIG) is considering location and design changes to improve access, and increase visitation and recreational use benefits of the Lake Charles Science Center and Educational Complex (Lake Charles SCEC) project approved in the July 2018 Final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment #2: Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities (Recreational Use Plan #2). During this process, we will ensure consistency with the project’s outreach and education objectives.
In the Recreational Use Plan #2, the Louisiana TIG selected four restoration projects intended to compensate for recreational use services lost as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Among them was the Lake Charles SCEC project to develop a public science center and educational complex in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Project components would provide dedicated indoor and outdoor spaces to enhance public utilization through outreach and education on fisheries management activities, restoration programs and related topics. The total estimated cost of the approved Lake Charles SCEC project is $7 million.
We will evaluate proposed project changes for consistency with the Oil Pollution Act and National Environmental Policy Act in a Supplemental Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment. The Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment will be made available for public review and comment.