Title: Alabama Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Public MeetingLocation: Spanish Fort, ALDescription: The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Alabamaâs lead trustee agency for the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill, and the Geological Survey of Alabama, are hosting a public meeting on the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA), along with federal trustee partners, NOAA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The public is invited to attend to learn the fundamentals of the NRDA process through this meeting and understand opportunities for public involvement as the process moves forward.
Five Rivers - Alabamaâs Delta Resource Center
Tensaw Theater
30945 Five Rivers Boulevard
Spanish Fort, AL 36527
Please note that this event will not address private claims. Start Time: 18:00Date: 11-11-2010End Time: 20:00